Seeds Planted
Dear Friends and Family,
The official ministry portion of my trip is now complete as we finished up today putting the Wed and Thursday sessions back to back and saving another day’s expenses by moving Thursday session to later Wednesday.
There was nothing different today except the audience and the condensed schedule. Instead of giving three presentations like I did Tuesday. I only did two (Intro to Apologetics and Worldview Matters) and did each twice.
The first group consisted of youth (high school and university) workers and then university students. There were only about 15 in the first group and about 30 in the second group.
As I reflect back on my first report from here (What Could Have Been), my feeling hasn’t changed. But what was, WAS, and in the end, it was not all lost.
It is my impression that this area of Uganda, some 6+ hours from the capital, doesn’t get the attention that other parts of Uganda get. This group had never heard of the word apologetics and from what I could tell, worldview, neither. So, we were only breaking the ground here. Doing some plowing. Doing some seed-planting. All three groups seemed to have seen the value. All three groups seemed to see the necessity of being better equipped to answer the hard questions being asked by skeptics, doubters, unbelievers, and confused Christians.
One of the local leaders told us publicly that “when” we come back, they will find ways to cut down on expenses. He offered free lodging and a free meeting space.
Apologetics Uganda, the organization looking to expand it’s reach, seems committed to building upon the foundation we established these past two days. They are setting up a WhatsApp group like the ones I helped to set up on Zimbabwe and Rwanda in order to continue the training.
There is one last assignment before leaving town tomorrow and heading south where I’ll spend two nights before heading for home late Saturday night. Tomorrow morning I will be interviewed by three different Apologetics Uganda individuals. I think they have three different audiences in mind. That is from 8 to 9 AM, then I’ll check out of my room, and we’ll head south.
I’ll leave you with this riddle that Moses has shared twice. True story. A questioner asked, “why was Jesus taken to Egypt?” Because Herod wanted to have him killed. “When did Jesus return from Egypt?” After Herod died. “Who baptized Jesus?” John the Baptist. “Who killed John the Baptist?” Herod. “Then, when and where did John the Baptist baptize Jesus? If Herod was still alive to kill John, and Jesus was in Eqypt until Herod died, did John baptize Jesus in Eqypt?” No, in the Bethany beyond the Jordan. “How could that be? Jesus was in Eqypt?” Does the Bible have contradictions?”
I hope to upload a couple of new pictures.
The same young lady who produced the video yesterday, was working on one earlier. If she gets it to me before I hit the sack, I’ll share the link.
I hope that I have not buried you under too much content the last two weeks. If I have, I apologize.
If I have any other events/thoughts worth sharing, I will.
By His grace,