Tactical Apologetics
Equipping leaders with practical answers
Meet Dr. Steve Van Horn
We’re excited to welcome Dr. Steve Van Horn to the Apologetics On Mission team!
Steve brings over 20 years of experience in missions and leadership training, having traveled extensively across Africa to build a strong network of biblically grounded leaders. In recent years, his passion has shifted to apologetics, where he’s dedicated to equipping the next generation with solid answers to the tough questions they face in their faith.
As AoM’s new Director of Tactical Apologetics, Steve will play a key role in expanding our training with real-world, practical strategies that embrace our commitment to “gentleness and respect”. We couldn’t be more excited to have him on board!
What is “tactical apologetics”?
Perhaps even more important than knowing good answers to challenging questions is learning HOW to deliver these good answers with gentleness and respect. Often, well meaning apologists seek to be fountains of knowledge, eager to deliver their nicely rehearsed arguments for the Christian faith. A better approach is to adopt a curiosity-driven conversation where we ask interesting questions about why we believe what we believe. The goal is to encourage people to examine the basis for their worldview, and through tactical questions and conversations, lead them to discover biblical answers themselves. Approaching it this way results in lasting impact—and this is tactical apologetics.
Our Tactical Apologetics Initiative
If you’d like to designate your support to our tactical apologetics initiative and what Steve is leading for us, donate through the form below: